Census Maps - Census 2021 data interactive, ONS - Office for …
Census maps is an interactive tool to explore Census 2021 data across England and Wales for different topics down to a neighbourhood level.
Life expectancy calculator - Office for National Statistics
Life expectancy calculator Use our interactive calculator to find out your life expectancy and your chance of living to 100 years old.
Census - Office for National Statistics
Census. The census takes place every 10 years. It gives us a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales.
Employee earnings in the UK - Office for National Statistics
Oct 29, 2024 · 2. Main points: April 2024. Median weekly earnings for full-time employees were £728 in April 2024, a 6.0% increase on the year in nominal terms and a 2.9% increase in real terms; this figure is adjusted for inflation using the Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers’ housing costs (CPIH).
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - Office for National Statistics
Gross domestic product (GDP) estimates as the main measure of UK economic growth based on the value of goods and services produced during a given period. Preliminary, secondary and final estimates of GDP released over a quarter as data becomes available.
ONS civil servant grades and salary bands - Office for National …
Nov 22, 2022 · FOI Ref: FOI/2022/4564. You asked I would like to know all of the different civil servant grades that exist in ONS and their respective salary bands for the most recent calendar or tax year that you have information available for.
Gender pay gap in the UK - Office for National Statistics
Oct 29, 2024 · 2. Main points. The gender pay gap has been declining slowly over time; over the last decade it has fallen by approximately a quarter among full-time employees, and in April 2024, it stood at 7.0%, down from 7.5% in 2023.
Crime in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics
Jan 27, 2022 · Notes: Data from the TCSEW are published as Experimental Statistics. Data on this chart refer to different time periods: 1981 to 1999 refer to crimes experienced in the calendar year; and from year ending March 2002 onwards the estimates relate to crimes experienced in the 12 months before interview, based on interviews carried out in that financial year.
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The UK's largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK.
Historic census data - Office for National Statistics
Find data and analysis from the 2011 census and earlier.