html - Bootstrap jumbotron full width and height of window with ...
Jul 29, 2015 · I've got a bootstrap jumbotron on a website, and I was wondering how I would make it the full width and height of the screen, or at least touching the nav bar, as there is a gap between the jumbotron and the navbar.
html - Bootstrap Jumbotron vs Container-fluid - Stack Overflow
May 29, 2017 · The primary difference is in the padding applied to jumbotron. It has quite a bit at anywhere from 30px to 48px to 60px depending whereas container-fluid has no padding applied. In general, pages that are designed with a bit of padding away …
html - Increasing Height of Bootstrap Jumbotron but Remaining ...
Mar 17, 2015 · Here's where the responsive design comes in. You can change your .jumbotron height using @media() queries to reflect major screen sizes. At some point, you will overflow the image but at least it won't be by much because you have established that the .jumbotron won't go too far from the 2:1 ratio. background-size: cover doesn't care how the ...
Vertically center all contents inside jumbotron - Stack Overflow
How can I horizontally and vertically center all the contents of a jumbotron in bootstrap 3? I have just started learning it.
Div class="jumbotron" to scale to size of its background image
Aug 1, 2015 · It works fine when i set the width of the jumbotron to that of the image but when I shrink the website to mobile view, I have issues. So how can I fix this? I forgot to mention i have issue with the height and not the width, The jumbotron scales div to the width of 1400 but not to the height 560px Here is a preview of the html page http ...
html - Responsive jumbotron image - Stack Overflow
Jan 21, 2019 · .jumbotron { background-position: center 20%; background-size: cover; } If you want to have a full screen jumbotron try:.jumbotron { height: 100vh; background-position: center 20%; background-size: cover; } so you will have the most information of your photo shown.
html - How to center a jumbotron? - Stack Overflow
Jan 3, 2018 · If you're using the grid system, then centering your jumbotron should just be a matter of col-lg-offset-x, where x is 12-{width of jumbotron} divided by 2. So if the width of your jumbotron is 6, then your offset class would be col-lg-offset-3. –
css - Bootstrap - Styling jumbotron elements - Stack Overflow
May 12, 2014 · The problem in here is; purple backgrounded areas are only cover the texts. But I want them to fit the full width of the jumbotron image like the mock-up below. I tried to add the below code:.jumbotron row, .jumbotron .row { color: #efefef; background-color: rgba(157,52,99,0.7); width: 100%; } However it's still only covers the text content.
How do i center an image in a jumbotron? - Stack Overflow
Dec 14, 2018 · I recently got into bootstrap and I'm having difficulties with the jumbotron element. Whenever i try to add an image to the jubotron and center it or just in general move it it is not working with normal css3.
html - how to make jumbotron responsive - Stack Overflow
May 7, 2020 · Inline style height: 54rems applied on jumbotron div is not valid. Read some more details on how to use media query to handle responsive design . Make use of Chrome developer tools to inspect the element and see the styles applied.