The Vatican, though, made alternative plans for Ash Wednesday next week, making clear Francis still had a long road ahead.
Amid ongoing health issues facing Pope Francis, here is the process by the Vatican when a pontiff passes away.
Over the past few days, the 88-year-old pope was seeing signs of his health improving as he battles double pneumonia.
After Pope Francis put out a call to be thoughtful about AI’s deployment, a delegation of Massachusetts public officials will ...
Time-honored rituals, drafted and refined over centuries, allow time for mourning and provide order at a dramatic moment of ...
Pope Francis reached the two-week mark recovery from pneumonia Friday as doctors suggested he had overcome the most critical ...
The Vatican press office has released a statement saying the pope had a peaceful evening of rest in hospital and is ...
The Vatican says Pope Francis has continued making decisions and is improving, but his two-week hospital stay poses ...