WhatsApp’s many features include View Once, so if you had an image or video that you wanted to share, but didn’t want hanging around, it would vanish after a single view. Only it turns out it wasn’t working quite as it should. Now, it seems it’s been fixed—but only with the latest update.
That, at least, is how the feature should work, but a recently discovered bug — fixed in the last version of iOS — allowed users to see "View Once" content as many times as th
WhatsApp has released version 25.2.3 for iOS devices to patch a significant privacy vulnerability that affected its "View Once" feature.
The latest release of WhatsApp for iOS, version 25.2.3, fixes this View Once snafu so you can no longer still see them in your iPhone’s storage after they’ve disappeared. This update also lets you dial numbers without first having to save them to your contacts. You can go to the Calls tab and tap ‘call a number’ to dial it and make a WhatsApp call.
WhatsApp has officially announced that from May 5, 2025, it will not support iOS 15.1 and older versions. This means that WhatsApp will not work on iPhones that have iOS 15.1 or older versions. This includes the iPhone 5s,
Switched to iPhone 16 but don't know how to transfer WhatsApp messages? This guide presents the three best methods to transfer WhatsApp from Android to iPhone.
WhatsApp might soon expand its multi-account feature by enabling several phone numbers on the same iPhone device.
iPhone users will be able to add a new account to WhatsApp using two different methods. The first involves setting up the device as a primary account, while the second lets you scan a QR code to link the new account as a companion.
Gallabox has raised $3.5 million of new funding as it seeks to expand its WhatsApp solution for managing customer conversations into the US
The WhatsApp-based system is designed to be user-friendly and inclusive, with services displayed in Telugu for easier understanding.
OS users are set to get the ability to run two WhatsApp accounts, similar to Android users, but with the requirement of two different phone numbers.
If you chat on WhatsApp using an iPhone it's vital you check that you have the very latest version downloaded. The Meta-owned messaging service has just released an update which fixes a worrying privacy flaw that could allow friends and contacts to access photos that were meant to disappear after being viewed.