A development order was issued this week allowing grading work to commence at the site of the new Walmart Neighborhood Market on County Road 466.
A suspect has been tracked down in the theft of $585 worth of meat and beer at a Publix grocery store in The Villages.
A snowbird is making a plea to landlords to update their winter rental information. Read her Letter to the Editor.
An unlicensed driver from Nicaragua wound up behind bars when she was caught speeding on a busy thoroughfare in The Villages.
A homeless shoplifter was tracked down and arrested in the bathroom at a local McDonald’s restaurant.
These two precious one-day-old baby sandhill cranes, called "colts," spent their first full day resting, walking, climbing, and getting food from Mom and Dad at Sharon Rose Wiechens Preserve in The ...
The District Office celebrated its recent move to the new “center” of The Villages. District Manager Kenny Blocker and Deputy District Manager Carrie Duckett had the honor of using the big scissors to ...
A Wildwood woman who was arrested for trespassing was also charged with resisting arrest after officers were forced to take her to the ground.
A Village of Sunset Pointe resident says that President Trump is shaking things up, and it’s probably exactly what our nation needed.
Carol O’Gorman got a hole-in-one at the Red Fox Executive Golf Course. If you get a hole-in-one, share the news at [email protected] ...
The Villages Hometown Band will present “The Wearing of the Green” at 7 p.m. Monday, March 17 at First Baptist Church in The Villages.
This driver from Pennsylvania was clearly over the line at Lake Sumter Landing. Share your Bad Parking photos at [email protected] ...