Maureen Santos is an ecologist and political scientist, currently serving as coordinator of the Politics and Alternatives ...
The Bush Administration has notified the Congress of its intention to negotiate a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Mexico and its desire to have the ratification of such an agreement put on a special ...
From the economic point of view, globalization is the increasing intensification and interconnectivity of flows of goods, services, capital and people between countries and regions in all parts of the ...
Payments for environmental services (PES) represent a new, more direct way to promote conservation. They explicitly recognize the need to address difficult trade-offs by bridging the interests of ...
`Regulatory protection' is but one name for the tens of thousands of cost-raising, behind-the-border measures that continue to substantially inhibit trade. Most of these measures are seemingly ...
Information comparing these two certification programs.
"The economic benefits from recreation and tourism would increase if the river were restored closer to its natural state. The gain would more than offset the loss from decreased barge traffic." Former ...
In 1997, after British Petroleum publicly acknowledged the harmful effects of global warming, it quickly became known as the oil company with environmental virtue. While other oil corporations argued ...
Columnist Wilson says it is not quite a David and Goliath duel, more like a David and Howard standoff. The David is Suzuki, a renowned Vancouver geneticist, TV host and critic of genetically modified ...
With 96 percent of the world's population living outside of the United States, Governor Bush recognizes that the future prosperity of America's farmers depends on expanding markets overseas. He is ...