Ten UB PhD candidates will show off their research and communication skills on March 7 at the ninth annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition. The contest will begin at 3 p.m. in the Screening Room ...
Black people are not only disproportionately arrested for felony murder, they are  disproportionately convicted, scholars say ...
The lack of digital literacy understanding and skills is a widespread problem, and one that requires attention at the policy ...
UB will present a re-entry simulation that will let participants experience firsthand the obstacles people face following their release from incarceration. The simulation will be held from 5-8 p.m.
Cuban dance class provides an opportunity to connect and enhance UB’s relationships with WNY and its own diverse students, ...
SUNY is funding a program in which students work on faculty-led research while interacting with peers and graduate students.
People re-entering society following their release from prison face several obstacles, including finding housing, ...
The Bohemian Trio will bring the diverse sounds and rhythms of Cuba and the Americas to life at a concert at UB on March 7. The performance, part of the Department of Music’s Slee Visiting Artist ...
UB’s 11th Annual Giving Day will take place from noon on April 9 until noon on April 10.
UB sociologist Jordan Fox is part of a team that has developed a more flexible approach for addressing environmental change ...
UB School of Management recognizes excellence in doctoral student research.
At the meeting, Taylor will formally announce the site of the pilot East Side Transformation Project: U.S. Census tract 166, the northern area of Broadway-Fillmore. He will explain why the site was ...