In their own words, Betawi language activists talk about preserving the language of Indonesia's capital city, role of the ...
One of the projects initiated as part of a development plan was the construction of a new road to the Kalbajar region — one of the previously occupied territories.
Global Voices stands in solidarity with the NGOs being attacked by the public prosecutor's office in Serbia and strongly ...
"[It's] about the lives of women and their children, and their relationships with men ...I push back at the idea that there ...
A cinco años de 2030, cuando se espera que los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de Naciones Unidas se materialicen, es importante hablar de la igualdad de las mujeres a nivel global.
“El Grupo de La Haya es un hito importante para desarrollar acciones internacionales organizadas contra el genocidio, ocupación militar, segregación racial y limpieza étnica a e pueblo de Palestina”.