Understanding who will end up paying for the higher costs means understanding how manufacturing, trade and supply chains ...
Tariffs have become President Donald Trump's favored economic move, and now a major tech company has blamed them for an ...
Since the 1930s, the U.S. has moved away from protectionism in favor of trade liberalization. Agreements like the General ...
tia.yang ( Tia Yang, senior editor): Americans overall are fairly split over tariffs. Broadly speaking, polls this year have ...
If the US genuinely tries to close its overall deficit with big tariffs all round, it will cause a crunching recession. If ...
President Donald Trump’s shift in policy to reciprocal tariffs is a relief to markets, U.S. consumers and most trading ...
After promising during his election campaign to put import taxes back at the center of US economic policy, President Donald ...
President Donald Trump is taking his enthusiasm for tariffs to a new level. In his latest move, he has announced a policy of ...
But there’s a method behind Trump’s tariff plan. Trump has used and promised to expand tariffs for three primary purposes: to ...
Trump calls it unfair that some countries apply higher tariffs to specific American goods than the U.S. applies back. A new ...