The second actor of the Avengers’ “Core Four” is returning, but almost certainly not as Steve Rogers/Captain America. At least, not the Captain America of the Sacred Timeline/Earth-616.
The Gorge cast features Miles Teller as Levi, Anya Taylor-Joy as Drasa and Sigourney Weaver as Bartholomew. This info article contains minor spoilers and character details for Scott Derrickson’s 2025 ...
Ruta Lee, a legendary actress who has been in over 200 tv shows, joins Steve Dale to talk about her experiences being in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Lee reminisces on her days with some of ...
La cantante sevillana Elena Vargas será la encargada de interpretar "Pipi Piripi Pipi", la sintonía oficial del Centenario de la Vuelta Ciclista a Andalucía-Ruta del Sol, que se... (02/12/2024 ...
Qué es El Camino de Costa Rica? La ruta, establecida oficialmente en 2018 por la Asociación sin ánimo de lucro Mar a Mar, busca promover el turismo sostenible para reactivar la economía local de los ...
Recordamos los centenarios de Amparo Rivelles y Jack Lemmon. Comentamos los Premios Goya y los estrenos de "Bridget Jones: loca por él" y "Capitán América: Brand New World". Como viene siendo habitual ...
(1984, February - March) Appeared as Lodovico in the John Webster play "The White Devil" produced by the Glasgow Citizens Company at the Greenwich Theatre, London, England.