The show, based on a 2019 book by Matthew Quirk, follows a night agent named Peter Sutherland, who is housed in the basement of The White House in a night program by the FBI. He is a phone operator of a 24/7 line that is reached by undercover intelligence agents in case of emergencies.
Season two of "The Night Agent" releases on Netflix on Thursday. Here a recap of season one.
Netflix has dropped the first teaser for Shondaland's comedic murder-mystery drama series starring Uzo Aduba and Randall Park.
No, but Netflix has unveiled its first teaser for the series. Check it out, here:
U.S. equities gained at midday Wednesday on an artificial intelligence initiative announced by the White House and strong earnings reports.
Netflix has released a trailer for The Residence, a Shonda Rhimes TV show that's a murder mystery set within the White House, with plenty of suspects.
The streaming service is rebooting the long-deceased family frontier drama in what could be a new dawn for discarded TV shows of the 70s and 80s.
When a dead body is found on the third floor of the White House, the murderer could be anyone – even Kylie Minogue. Netflix has released the first teaser trailer for upcoming murder mystery comedy The Residence, which has now been dated for release on March 20, and it features a bevy of suspects (157 of them) and “the best detective in the world”.
West Wing' stars Bradley Whitford and Allison Janney reunite in 'The Diplomat' Season 3. Whitford plays Todd Penn, husband to Janney's Grace Penn.
TRAILER: Orange is the New Black star Uzo Aduba leads The Residence, a new Netflix series that sets up an unpredictable whodunnit set inside the White House. It debuts on March 20.
The series, which is based on Kate Andersen Brower’s book “The Residence: Inside the Private World of the White House,” premieres in March.