Mahathir Mohamad visited Indonesia and specifically made a trip to Jokowi's residence in Solo City on Wednesday afternoon, 6, ...
Chair of the Housing Task Force, Hashim Djojohadikusumo, said Bank Indonesia will disburse Rp 130 trillion for the 3 million ...
The Attorney General's Office raided two residences of businessman Riza Chalid. Four boxes containing letters or documents ...
Indonesia's Coordinating Minister for Food Security Zulkifli Hasan said the Ministry of Trade issued approval for the import ...
The transfer of state-owned enterprises' (SOEs) shares to Danantara sovereign wealth fund is targeted to be completed within ...
An economist assesses that Tony Blair has the potential to open up greater access to the global investment market, ...
The government is struggling with the 'collect-transport-dispose' way of dealing with waste that is proven to be a failure.
Korean police are investigating an employee of a Hong Kong airline suspected of selling flight data of several South Korean ...
The White House denied reporters from Reuters and other media to access President Donald Trump's first cabinet meeting.
Jokowi praised President Prabowo for establishing Danantara. According to Jokowi, the intention to establish Danantara is ...
Alliance believes that backpay of performance allowance for the following year is feasible to fulfill the rights of lecturers ...
Despite the Pertamina scandal, presidential advisor believes that fuel price stability is still maintained as long as supply ...