The Vatican strongly cautioned against publishing “news” that would harm the reputation of an individual, especially someone ...
For centuries, one of the biggest taboos at the Vatican was openly discussing the pope's health. As leader of the world's 1.4 ...
The Vatican has set in motion nightly prayers for Pope Francis in the hope that he might recover and get back to leading the ...
After almost two weeks in hospital, Pope Francis appears to be on a slow road to recovery, according to the Vatican. "The ...
Pope Francis, battling double pneumonia, remains in critical condition for the fourth day running but is stable and has not ...
Pope Francis is sitting upright and receiving therapy for double pneumonia while he remains in critical condition.
Pope Francis is continuing his slow recovery from double pneumonia and beating back speculation of an imminent death, ...
Sister María Victoria Triviño, OSC, made her critique in an article regarding the recent closure of a monastery that had been ...